Work at a pizza place is a classic game in roblox. If you want to kick your manager out and become the BIG BOSS.....
....You're going to have to learn to play.

Image result for work at a pizza place roblox

There are seven roles. You can choose to become a....

Cashier- Cashiers take orders from the never-ending stream of customers. You have to choose one of four possible greetings. Only one is correct, and if you choose the wrong one, the customer will decide to leave. You have to click on the order plate, and then the order will be visible on the Cook's order screen, like in the picture above.

Cook- Cooks take the orders from the order screen. They make the pizzas by combining the ingredients and putting them in the oven. The ingredients are Cheese, Sausage, Pepperoni, Dough, and Sauce. There is one other thing the customers may order, which is Mountain Dew. This DOES NOT go through the oven. They go along the conveyor belt,  which carries the pizzas and Mountain Dew to the Pizza Boxer.

Pizza Boxer- The pizza boxer's job is probably the easiest of the [note to self insert number here] jobs. All the pizza boxer has to do is put the pizzas into a box, close the box, and send it along to the Delivery.

Delivery- The delivery person's job is to deliver the pizzas to the houses. This is pretty straightforward, and you get a free car! It does take a while to get the pizzas to the houses though.

Supplier- The supplier's job is the most important. The supplier has to press buttons to get more supplies, and the supplies are: Dough, Sausage, Cheese, Sauce, Mountain Dew and Boxes. You have to put the supplies in the big supplier's truck. (Pictured below) Then you drive the truck to the pizza place and unload it, to start again by driving back to the supplying place.

Image result for work at a pizza place roblox supplier truck

On Break- This isn't really a job, so much as a role. If you are at your house, putting some furniture in, then that's when you'll be on break.


MANAGER!!- The manager's job is to oversee the workers. As a manager you have powers to...
-Give bonuses
-Make someone employee of the day
-Put someone back to work
-Quit your job (not really a power but that's where it's counted)
-Vote for kick (where all players vote whether to kick someone out of the game)

As a manager your worst fear is the players ganging up on you. YES! THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU CAN FINALLY FIND OUT "HOW TO FIRE YOUR OWN MANAGER"!! Aren't you excited!

OK, so next to the manager's office is a little booth. In the booth is a button, and if you step on the button it means you have voted to kick the manager out of his/her job. You only need eight votes, and then the job is up for the taking!

-FireAngel231 (Ellie) :D


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